Lynx Terminology

The following terminology and definitions are used throughout Lynx and the Lynx Help System:

Terminology used in the Lynx software . . .


Account # is a unique number used to identify a customer.


Period is a general term that refers to your basic accounting time frame. While some companies use a 13 period year, for most businesses the term "period" is synonymous with "month".

Periods are usually formatted as YYPP where . . .

YY = the last two digits of the year and

PP = the period/month.

For example: If you use months, and you see a reference to period 0103 , that means March of the year 2001.


Products are specific things you sell (like residential propane).


Product ID is the unique number used to identify a Product.


Product Groups are groupings of like-type Products (like all of your propane products).


Product Group ID is a unique number used to identify a Product Group.


Close is a term used two ways:

  1. To close a period refers to the process of preventing any changes being made to that period again.
  2. To close a year refers to the process of preventing any changes being made to that year again. 


Post is a term that refers to the process of moving a batch to the General Ledger. When this happens, the batch cannot be changed (unless it is unposted). 


Vendor is a company (or person) you buy things from and make payments to.


Vendor # is a unique number used to identify a vendor.


Bill is a document that represents an amount owed by you to a vendor.


Cost is a term used to describe how much you paid for something you bought.


Price is a term used to describe how much money you received for something you sold.


Price Code is an alpha-numeric code that you create for each price you assign to a product.


Point of Sale (POS) tax is a tax on a product based on the location of your customer. Tank rent is often an example of this type of tax for instance.


Point of Origin tax is a tax on a product based on the location of your business. Propane sales are usually an example of this type of tax for instance.


Filter is a term used to describe the process of limiting data to be included in a report. When you "filter" a particular type of data (by checking the associated box), you supply a FROM and THRU range. Only the data within that range will print. If you do not filter the data, it will all print. For example:

 will select and include only account numbers 1000 through (and including) account number 2000 in this report.

AP is the abbreviation for "Accounts Payable".

AR is the abbreviation for "Accounts Receivable".

GL is the abbreviation for "General Ledger".

Terminology used with Lynx Help System . . .


Left-click means a single depression of the left button on the mouse.


Double-left-click means two rapid depressions of the left button on the mouse.


Right-click means a single depression of the right button on the mouse.


Text box refers to an area of a screen used to display or key in information. For example:



Drop-down list is a list of items that are displayed by left-clicking the down arrow  associated with a category of information. For example:




Drop-down Menu is a list of functions that appear when you left-click a word on the Menu Bar. For example:    

Dropdown menus 



Radio Button is a way of selecting a item from a list by pointing the cursor at the circle and left-clicking. For example:



Progress Bar is a graphic way of dynamically showing you the progress of a job while it's running. This is particularly useful for those jobs taking more than a few seconds to finish. For example: 



Drop-down calendar is a graphic (and much easier way) of selecting a date. Simply left-click on the date  you want and it will automatically be inserted in the date box. For example:   


Here's a couple of tricks when you use the drop-down calendar and you want to select a date that is in a different month and/or year::

Left-click on the month name to see a list of all twelve months. Then just left-click the one you want. This is much easier than scrolling through the months one-at-a-time using the arrow button.

Left-click on the year to see a list of 20 years. Then just left-click the year you want. This is much easier than scrolling through the months and years one-at-a-time using the arrow button.