Landlord / Renter relationships deal with a special kind of billing situation. Typically, there is a "landlord" who owns or is renting a tank (or multiple tanks) but the fuel is paid for by a "renter".
Note: Both the landlord and renter must be set up as individual accounts in the system before their relationship is established.
If its a new account, first use the Add a Customer procedure. After doing this (or if the account already exists) do the following:
1. Find the account you want to set up as a landlord by using one of the following:
People Associated with an Account
2. Regardless of how you get to the account, the detail account screen for that customer will be displayed.
3. Left-click the button and then left-click the
tab if it's not already active.
4. This will display the Add, Change, Delete Customers window for that account.
5. Left-click the down arrow in the "Landlord or Renter?" box and a drop-down list will appear.
6. Left-click on Landlord. This tells the system that this account is a "landlord".
7. Left-click the close button to return you to the account screen.
This is identical to setting up a landlord. First, the account must be set up. Then the same procedure is used for renters as was done for landlords except that Renter is selected from the "Landlord or Renter?" box:
After you have set up both the "landlord" account and the "renter" account, the next step is to associate the two. Here's how:
1. Find the account you set up as a landlord by using one of the following:
People Associated with an Account
2. Regardless of how you get to the account, the detail account screen for that customer will be displayed. You will notice that there is now a tab visible.
3. Left-click the tab and the Renter window will be displayed.
4. Left-click the button which will display the Choose Renter window.
5. Left-click the Renter to be associated with this account (in the right-hand column) and press the button. Repeat this process if multiple renters are to be added to this account.
6. When you're done, left-click the button and the Renter window will be displayed.
7. When you're done, left-click the close button to return to the Lynx Main Menu.
You'll notice that the renter information has now been posted to this window. If the landlord had just one tank, that tank will now be attached to the renter. If the landlord had two or more tanks, a window will be displayed and you must left-click the tank that applies to this renter and then left-click thebutton.
From the Lynx Main Menu . . .
1. Left-click on Bookkeeping and a drop down menu will appear
2. Left-click on Accounts Receivable and then left-click on Invoicing.
3. Left-click on Add an Invoice Batch which will display the Enter Invoices window.
4. Left-click on the tab.
5. Press the key and then press the
key which will display the Find a Customer window.
6. Key in the account number and press the key.
Remember that deliveries are ALWAYS made to the renter, NOT the landlord. If the landlord had two or more tanks, a window will be displayed and you must left-click the tank that applies to this delivery and then left-click thebutton.
7. Either way, the cursor will be positioned in the box.
8. Key in the quantity and then press the key.
9. If the default product displayed is the one you want to use, simply press the key. The system will automatically inset the proper price, description, extend the total, and apply any taxes appropriate to this transaction. Following this, the cursor will be positioned in the Invoice # box ready for you to enter the next invoice by returning to step above. .
10. When you're done entering all of the tickets for this batch, print the batch report by selecting Print Batch Report from the button drop-down list. Then left-click the close button
to return to the Lynx Main Menu.