A K-factor is a number that represents "gallons per Degree Day". If you want to enter it yourself (instead of waiting until four deliveries have been made), you can do so using one of the following methods:

1. If you're familiar with using K-factors, you may be able to simply supply a reasonable number . . . or . . .

2. If you're not familiar with using K-factors, find a comparable tank/house and use its K-factor . . . or . . .

3. If you want to hand-calculate a K-factor for a particular tank, do this: Estimate it's propane usage for the coldest month in your area. Then find the total Degree Days for that same month. Now divide the total Degree Days for the month into the gallons used for the month. The resulting answer is your K-factor.

Keep in mind that this is only a temporary estimate. Once four deliveries have been made, the system will automatically calculate a new K-factor every time a delivery is made.