Lynx is an integrated set of computer programs that will help you run your propane business more efficiently. The software runs on Personal Computer hardware using Microsoft's Windows operating system software.
Lynx was designed with a single objective in mind . . . to make you more profitable. Every function in the system is there only because it helps you achieve this goal.
Your particular system may consist of a single PC or an inter-connected network of many computers all sharing the same information. In either case, a comprehensive and secure data base structure drives the system and provides control over your information.
When you first begin using Lynx, the Lynx Main Menu will appear. Near the top of the screen is a Menu Bar that can be used to access different parts of the system. Left-click on the appropriate word (like Delivery or Reports for example) and a drop-down menu of those functions will appear.
You'll also notice that there are eight "buttons" on the right half of the Main Menu screen. Each of these represent a different functional area of the system and correspond to the words across the Menu Bar. By simply "left-clicking" on these buttons, the system will automatically take you to that group of functions.
. . . allows you to deal with your customer account information, including the people, tanks, delivery history, and notes associated with each. If you would like to see some of these functions, left-click here.
. . . manages your accounting functions, such as billing, accounts receivable, accounts payable, and general ledger. If you would like to see some of these functions, left-click here.
. . . used to set up and manage information about your drivers, delivery routes, and stops. If you would like to see some of these functions, left-click here.
. . . maintains information on all of the products you sell including prices, costs, and inventory. If you would like to see some of these functions, left-click here.
. . . deals with service orders and appliances. If you would like to see some of these functions, left-click here.
. . . organizes information about your tanks, including size, manufacturer, cost and where they're located. This section also includes information about the other equipment your company owns (such as tankers, boom trucks, and service vehicles). If you would like to see some of these functions, left-click here.
. . . provides a way for you to select printed reports and graphs. If you would like to see some of these functions, left-click here.
. . . In addition to all of the functions outlined above, the integrated Lynx Help System is also available to you. If you would like to learn more about this, left-click here or simply left-click on the word
on the Menu Bar on any screen anywhere within Lynx for specific advice on how Lynx works.